Wow. This essay blew me away and impressed me to the degree that I don’t even know what to say, other than this single edition alone elevates writing on Substack and has more insight than anything I’ve read in more than a month. I’m a huge fan, seriously, I’m so glad I read this.

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thank you so much for reading this and commenting, and I’m so glad it is doing some of what it came to do

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I enjoyed reading this, especially stylistically. It is quite accessible because of how it is written. Thanks. Today's world of these kinds of "alleged" (I stress alleged because he will have to litigate this for sure) deeds which bleed the line of criminal conduct and immoral degenerate behavior are tough on society and the world itself. On the one hand, you want to give people the benefit of the doubt; on the other hand, social media has altered that equation. He did things and we know it. There is a digital trail. Whether he did what they say he did is loaded on both sides. The system is loading up the case for conviction while others as is always the case, will stand behind celebrity no matter what. I am not sure why that is so but it is. I do think the state has a tough case to prove which is why they denied bail. No way he should be held without bail. That has nothing to do with his guilt or innocence. Thanks again for a very nice piece of writing.

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